NBA TV Ratings Almost As Poor as NHL, But Spurs Were Class Act


How many of you watched the NBA finals on TV? These finals were kind of like the NHL finals. Nobody watched. I just don’t get how these players can be paid as much money as they do when they don’t generate really any huge amounts of television revenue.

Something has to give somewhere. The players, I don’t think are at fault because why not take the money that is offered; it falls on the owners who pay these salaries. By cutting down per say just a million dollars on one salary, just think of how much lower the ticket prices could be. We can afford to take a family to a NHL or NBA game and sit anywhere where you can possibly even see the game.

In other news from the NBA, it always seems like we are hearing about players who are acting badly, but on this championship San Antonio team this year there are so many players that do the right thing.

I saw an interview with a few of the Spurs and they said that they enjoy being close lipped about the fact that they are World Champions. They don’t need to draw attention to the fact or themselves, it will just come quietly. Too bad, all professional athletes don’t feel this way; the world would be a better place for all of our youth.

———- Hull Offers Great Analysis to NHL
I don’t know if you watched any of the NHL finals but it was great to see Brett Hull as an analyst for the games. He is a very outspoken individual and basically called out the league on many of their problems.

That’s very hard for a regular broadcaster to do because they can be reprimanded and held out of certain situations, but Hully has nothing to lose and he said it all.

He also called many players both past and present that was exciting to as a broadcaster to hear that. It brought a whole new perspective to the way you watch and analyze a game. Hope to see more of this throughout the years to come.

———-Talking with Roger Wehrli, Jim Hannifan
Last week I had a chance to talk with Roger Wehrli, a former football Cardinal that will be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. He is such a class individual. He talked about his time with the Cardinals and that he still enjoys living in St. Louis and even though the team wasn’t the best, he enjoyed every minute of his career in St. Louis.

Jim Hannifan also sat in on the interview. What a man, this guy has a million stories. He talked about kicker Jim Bakken and many other players. We hear him on Sunday with Rams radio but this guy is a funny man with a wealth of knowledge about football and stories that would blow your mind, many of them that I could never publicly repeat. It was a lot of fun.

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