Rams Showed Lack Of Dedication in Disgraceful Opener


What a disgrace and waste of time that the Rams game was for millions of viewers across the region. If you spent even 15 minutes watching the game, the Rams should send you a reimbursement check for your time. I actually, along with many others including many of the media thought that this team would be half way decent but we were proven wrong on Sunday.

This Rams team showed a lack of dedication and hard work that should be shown by any professional. I go to work everyday and bust my butt along with millions of other people to make a living for our families and we do it with pride, these Rams players make more in one season than I will in ten lifetimes and they gave such a lackluster effort

I would never go out and perform at that low of a level with a good conscious. It was a disgrace. The game plan was horrible, how do you not even take a look at Tory Holt or throw the ball over the middle on a slant for the 6-8 yard pickup consistently that will win you games. Who do we blame besides the players? Is it the coaches; does Scott Linehan have what it takes to motivate this team at this level? I really think the Rams fans are sick of it. There has to be a change somewhere or the fans are going to stop caring all together.

I know it is early but after a first game 38-3 outing it doesn’t look good. When you look down the schedule, seriously there might only be a game or two that this team might win and that’s San Francisco and Miami and even those are maybes.

Now onto to Marc Bulger, I had a talk today with some other media about the aspect of Marc Bulger forever living in the shoes of Kurt Warner, is it the syndrome of whatever he does will not be good enough? Do we need to start fresh with someone new? Many think of Bulger as the guy who took Warner’s job. If the season continues to go the way it is maybe when the Cardinals come to town, Kurt could play quarterback for both teams like we did when we were kids. How about that? We can dream can’t we.

How about this — Lets start a movement to draft Chase Daniels early out of Mizzou and make him a Ram. This is a fabulous ideal. I really think that this could maybe be one of the only guys on the face of this earth that with a little success could make us all forget about Bulger. Wouldn’t that be cool at least for us Missouri fans. If the Rams continue to stink like they are right now, this could be a true reality with an early first round pick over the next couple of years. I will start the chain that I think many would link onto. Here we go, lets Chase for Chase Daniel as a Ram. Ra Ra!!

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