How Did Rams Fallback After Such Big Victories; Both Tigers are For Real

By  Randy Gardner

It’s actually really been fun this year writing about the world of sports. Not that the world of sports isn’t always fun but here in St. Louis it is always a really bumpy ride. We have seen this with every major franchise in the last 50 years. Nothing more so than the St. Louis Rams.

How the heck can you plalike you did for the past two weeks and then come out and not even be able to catch a ball.

They were in the game against San Francisco but they did not deserve to win. I sat and watched most of the game until they pulled the fake punt play.

If it works great,  everyone on the team is a genius, if it doesn’t work like it didn’t, it’s  season-changing. I think that the remaining season changed  on that one play. The team was starting to play well, just kick the ball away and let your defense get it back for you. One touchdown and you are back in it.

I see Jeff Fishers point of taking a chance and if it would have gone the Rams way and they scored , I would be writing about how smart of a play it was—but it didn’t work. What a demoralizing change in the game flow for the players after they scored. With a win, the Rams would have been right in the playoff hunt. They still are in  it mathematically, but that game was a crucial must win for the Rams.

In case you haven’t looked at the upcoming games, the team has several tough opponents in front of them. Let’s see the character of this team if they can rebound back from a tough loss.

Can They Top Last Weekend in College FB?

Onto college football,  can you believe this past crazy weekend. I thought I was going to have a coronary watching the Missouri Tigers game, my blood pressure was all over the place. I thought here we go again, let’s let everything they worked for slip away and then the team comes out after I am sure they got their butts chewed out a halftime by  Coach Gary Pinkel and played unbelievable.

Do they have a chance to beat Auburn, I say yes. I can’t believe I am even talking about a SEC Championship game between two Tigers.

It would have been great to be there after the game to see all of the crazies rush the field like they did also at the Auburn-Alabama  game. That was unbelievable. I am hoping that the intensity from a huge comeback win like that for Auburn will overwhelm them and kill their passion for this weekend’s SEC championship game. Sometimes it’s difficult to ride that wave after it came in so hard.

All I can say it is fun to watch Mizzou this year. You know that I hate the egos on and off the field and I am not a fan of the Johnny football ego, but he played pretty well and seemed gracious and friendly to the Tigers after the Aggies loss. I was impressed by his skills but I am still glad the Tigers handled him.

Got to cut this off now to hit the treadmill, I gained five pounds over the holiday weekend. Everything I had worked for  a month to get rid of came back in two days. Remember this is the season to make that commitment to get in shape. I am trying really hard, so please join me in getting you and your family healthy for the upcoming year.


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