Big Weekend For Fans of Motor Sports

By Randy Gardner

**Randy Gardner photo**

(Posted May 31, 2011)

What a weekend it was if you are a race car fan like myself. The Indianapolis 500 and the Coca Cola 600 NASCAR race were both on TV on Sunday and if you watched you probably saw, at least in my

opinion, the best two races

of the past several years.

In the 500, there was a last lap fourth corner spin out and crash with the leader losing at the end and in the NASCAR race, Dale, Jr. ran out of gas on the last corner to lose the race. Dale Jr is a huge racing fan favorite and it looked as if he would pull it off in NASCAR’s longest race at Charlotte but after 5 hours of racing, a few drops of gas caused him a victory. This just goes to show you that it is not over till it is over.

Summer Days with the Kids

It is really funny as you get older how fast the weekends go, even the 3 day weekends. Just as you get settled in to enjoy it is over. The reason I say this is that as a kid, or should I say as I watch my kids grow up, they have no sense of time and days. They only know that they need to get up, play, eat, and sleep.

I try to keep in mind things that I remember about my childhood and do things that my kids will remember, like going to the park and playing catch. As a youngster, I remember to this day bugging my dad after a long day of working for him, to come out and hit the baseball to me. When he did, it was so cool and I will never forget that.

I also remember all of the shopping trips with my mom and grandma, these things stick in my head like it was yesterday. Stop and think back for yourself, I bet it is not a toy or game you got but it all came back to time spent with someone.

So this summer, take some time and spend it with your kids doing something as simple as tossing a ball or doing some yard work. It could be your child’s life long memory.


In terms of shameful events this month, two things come to mind. First, the entire Jim Tressel debacle steeping down at Ohio State. I always talk about people getting what they deserve in life, here is a perfect example. This guy was lying through his teeth and he knew it and was doing it so publicly is was sickening. A real man stands up and admits to what he has done wrong. This will haunt him and Ohio State forever.

Secondly, to look at a stat that Albert Pujols hit his first home run at Busch Stadium in the month of May on Monday  is very disturbing. Is this the end of Albert Nation in St. Louis? Or is he just getting warmed up for a hot summer? A few home runs in June, July, and August, and it will all be forgotten. Luckily, the Cards are in 1st place or this topic could be a lot harder for Albert.

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