“Kimberly Akimbo” Seizes the Day in a Comical Way by...
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VALLEY OF FLOWERS 2011 QUEEN CANDIDATES: Standing left-right: Amanda Shurck, Dani Boschert, Caitlyn Smith, Theresa Marischen, Ashley Higginbotham, Melanie Gates, Christine Jackson, Nichole Rankin, Taylor Corkery, Danielle Puckett, Lia Hanenburg, Marie Arnett. Seated left-right: Amber Voss, Maya Sosa, Nicola Batisto, Taylor Laramie, Barbara Behlmann, Carolina Cruz, Kim Meyer, Olivia Holzum, Rachel Zluhan, Allie Zeilman. The 2011 queen will be crowned Sunday, May 8 by newly-elected Mayor Tom Schneider Rick Niblett Photography
‘Mother’s Love’ is Theme
For the 2011 Valley of
Flowers Festival May 5-8
The Valley of Flowers Festival has been celebrated every year since 1963 making this its 49th “First Festival of Spring.” The parade theme for 2011 is “Valley of Flowers Mothers Love….” (Note: Mothers love to read, garden, travel, cook, etc.) The Tot Wheels Parade’s theme will be “Mom’s Favorite Things.”
This weekend festival has activities for everyone from a flower and plant sale to culturally diverse musical performances, baseball games, car show, craft and flea market sales, children’s activities and the Hispanic Festival at the Eagan Center.
Carnival games and rides will be located at the Knights of Columbus Fairgrounds. Food will be available at all festival locations. The Tot Wheels Parade for the youngest participants and the official “Big Parade” with a “Shotgun Start” highlights the weekend.
The festival culminates on Sunday, May 8 with the crowning of the Valley of Flowers queen and her court at the Knights of Columbus pavilion following the grand parade.
The festival is organized by the Valley of Flowers Committee: Chairman Lance Lombardo; Coordinator Kati Mahoney; Board Members: Jerry Ahlert, Vicky Egan, Mary Gettemeier, Mike Kubiak, Sandi Ruhmann, and Jane Wood. The committee works in partnership with the City of Florissant.
Family Night is Thursday, May 5
To begin the Valley of Flowers weekend and offer something special “just for families,” the Knights of Columbus grounds will be open Thursday, May 5, from 4:30-8:30 p.m., for families only. At this special family event, you will only need to purchase one ticket per ride, which is a great savings.
The Knights will offer special family meal deals of their barbecue and side dishes.
The carnival rides are open to everyone on Friday from 4:30-8:30 p.m., Saturday, from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m., and Sunday, from 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
High school baseball games will start on Thursday when Hazelwood West takes on Riverview Gardens at 4 p.m. at Koch Park Field #1. Additional games will feature McCluer North vs. McCluer on Friday at 7 p.m. and Dubourg vs. Trinity on Saturday at 2 p.m.