Boomer Journal:


Tom AnselmBy Tom Anselm

“Finish each day and be done with it. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it well.” So said Ralph Waldo Emerson, noted essayist and poet of the mid-1800’s. And well said, Ralphy, as we end one year and begin another.

There is always this tendency among us humans to take stock of our recent past and make plans for our near future. The wellness industry cashes in on this big-time with its offers of programs and diets and promises of wondrous weight-loss.

We vow to dump that sugar, read more, spend more time with our kids, sign up for Rosetta Stone and finally learn Italian. And so on.

We call them ‘resolutions’, these well-intentioned notions. But intentional as they may be, fulfillment usually ends with the coming of February.

I have in years past resolved to never make “New Year resolutions”,   thereby successfully fulfilling my resolution. But, alas, as I turned a mere year shy of the “Big 7-0” earlier this week, it may be time to adjust that philosophy. So, in no particular order of importance, herewith are my well-intentioned intentions for The Year of Our Lord, 2018.

new years resolutions#1. I hereby resolve to work less, and earn more. Really, who doesn’t want to do that? I will continue to substitute teach, but be pickier on the where and when. Some districts just pay more, and are worth the slight inconvenience of travel. Plus I get an occasional gig with a talent agency I hooked up with a few years ago (you may have seen me in a hospital commercial, diligently watering the sidewalk?).

There has also been some freelance stuff mostly playing a patient or retiree… hey, talk about “staying within my range!” And recently, I have come to visiting nursing homes with guitar and song, which started out as volunteer but, lo and behold, they pay a nice piece for a one-hour performance. Crazy!

#2. I resolve to live life one day at a time, and to ‘Let Go and Let God.’ A taller order, to be sure. But too often, I get caught up in the ‘what if’ and the ‘why don’t they just’ of life. There is very little I can do to affect the comings and goings of others. Like the Serenity Prayer says, I need to just do what I can, accept what happens, and pray to know the difference.

#3. I hereby resolve to do more fun stuff. Gonna play more golf, take more walks, go fishing more. And in order to do that with any efficiency, I need to eat better. I know, I know… the wellness challenge.

Of special note here is the cruel fact that I couldn’t button my ‘legendary’ Crazy Pants (Nautica Madras trousers from Famous-Barr at Jamestown Mall many moons ago… on sale!) that I break out every Christmas. That didn’t stop me from eating maybe 1,000 cookies this year. However, it is time for me and Mr. Belly to have a talk about 2018.

#4. I hereby resolve to be more like Jill. This really should be Resolution #1, but let’s save the best for last. Here is a gal who teaches me so much daily about kindness, generosity, forgiveness, faith and love.

She of course in her humility will want to ‘knock me right in the head’ (a phrase that seems contradictory coming out of her, but steeped in the holy tradition of her Irish mother, Joan, who had a way with words) for putting this in here.

So there you have it. A framework for the next year. I know I won’t ever break par, flip my hair out of my eyes, have abs of steel or play Shakespeare. But if I can “stay within my range,” things may just work out. Oh yeah.. one more thing

#5. I hereby resolve to win Powerball. Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

happy new year 1

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