Dining Divas visit Angelo's Taverna

As Anyone from St. Louis Would Know, There’s a Difference in Toasted Raviolis

I’m being upfront here.  This month’s Dining Divas choice had the odds in its favor before we even showed up.  We were going to like it no matter what.  The only way we weren’t going to say we liked it was if we just didn’t show up.  And this night, many Divas didn’t.  But for those of us who did, as we thought…we liked it!
**Lisa Kampeter photo**
It was unfortunate for many of the Divas.  We had looked forward to trying out Angelo’s Taverna in downtown for a few months now.  And as life happens, work, illnesses, and other responsibilities got in the way of an enjoyable spring evening with the girls.  Many of our regulars were last minute absentees, but our small group agreed the trek  was worth it.
We were biased from the start.  The Italian Diva’s gregarious cousin runs this new restaurant.  We used to love our dining experiences at Rusty’s in Edwardsville, his former workplace.  Not only did we love the food, we loved his stories.  And this night, he did not disappoint.
His outgoing personality and captive storytelling is reminiscent of the Italian Diva’s father, another great person you liked to just sit and listen to, who recently passed away.  This night, he talked about a famous musician whose party he attended in Memphis during May one year.  The way he told the story, it could have been Elvis for all I knew.  The Greek Diva had joined him on this trip and surely she would have told us if she ran into Elvis (dead or alive).  Whoever it was he was referring to, we were surely impressed by the adventure.
Angelo’s is located where Max and Erma’s used to be, connected to the Drury Plaza Hotel and next door to KMOX and KMOV (we did see a very svelte Steve Savard getting a to-go order).  Initially nervous about the parking situation, we were pleased to learn that the Cardinals were out of town.  You can pay to park in the attached garage.  If you luck out, you can park right across the street.  There are no meters.  During the day, you can park one block down where Carmine’s customers park because the restaurant doesn’t open until 4:30.  Otherwise, just hope for a meter.  The furthest we had to walk was a couple blocks.  It was a welcome walk on a gorgeous night.
Angelo’s is in the Lombardo family of restaurants (Lombardo’s Restaurant, Lombardo’s Trattoria, Carmine’s Steak House, and Terrazza Grill).  If you’ve ever been to Lombardo’s, then you probably are aware of their famous toasted ravioli.  Being a St. Louis native in a company of transplants, I always recommend toasted ravioli to newcomers but not just any toasted ravs.  Lombardo’s.  And Angelo’s has the same texture, taste, and size as well as the savory sauce.
Because we ordered between 5 and 7 p.m. , the appetizers which are normally priced $7.99 were only $4.99.  Even though we devoured the Toasted Raviolis, the Fried Artichoke appetizer didn’t last very long at our table.  Dipped in golden butter and fried to perfection, we justified this not-so-healthy treat as a good choice because we all need our vegetables.
The Picky Diva loved Angelo’s House Salad except for the “stinky” cheese.  Why ruin a perfectly good salad with cheese that tastes moldy and disguises itself as something fancy (Asiago)?
A bowl of Chili with cheese is appropriate any time of the year for one Diva.  She was sure there was steam coming out of her ears as she enjoyed the spiciness of the soup.
The Cajun Shrimp sautéed in white wine and Cajun spices was all the Dieting Diva needed.  The Educator Diva enjoyed half of the plentiful Smoked Turkey Club served on fresh Ciabatta bread.  The other half would be a treat the next day.  It was no surprise when the Italian Diva ordered the Meatball Sub, served on cheese garlic bread.    She thought it was delicious.  She ordered it with creamy mushroom risotto.  The Dieting Diva was jealous.
By 7:30, there was a good size crowd of “mature” diners.  We wondered what brought them to downtown on a Thursday night.  As they all folded their hands to pray, we bowed our heads in shame.  We were too famished to think about prayers when our appetizers came, and here this group was openly praying in unison before they took a bite.  We were told they were here for a religious convention.  We should have joined them.  That would have been the mature thing to do.
If you’re heading to a Cardinal game, stop in Angelo’s beforehand to take advantage of their appetizer deal.  The toasted raviolis are way better than a hot dog at the ballpark.  Taking the family to the Arch, why not grab lunch.  Or just looking for a good meal and great conversations, stop in and say hello to Mike.  You’ll know who he is.  And more than likely, he’ll stop by your table.

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