Albert and 60 Minutes Piece Should Inspire Us

(Posted April 12, 2011)
By Randy Gardner
Did you get a chance to see the 60 Minutes piece on Albert Pujols? If you did, I am sure like me you saw Albert in a totally different light. If you didn’t see it, just search on the internet (CBS or Channel 4)  for it and watch it.
**Randy Gardner photo**
This is why this guy deserves the $30 million that he is asking for. There was a segment where after a game in one city he traveled to a hospital where a cancer patient, a young boy who couldn’t be at the game, and gave him the bat that he hit his 400th career home run with.
He didn’t do it for the media hype because there was none until the 60 Minutes piece. Think what the value of that bat would be.
That is a real man. This Is the way I strive to live my life,  and to give back to the community and the world when I can. We all think we are so busy and you might be, but stop thinking about yourself all the time and think of others around you.
I have a lot of thoughts about the way society is right now and many of those thoughts would probably tick off a lot of people but that is the way life is. Everybody wants everything for nothing. What the heck happened to hard work in this society?. Everybody expects everything to be handed to them.
There is a reason that some people make a lot of money and fame, they worked there butts off. You might not have seen it but behind the scenes they did. Of course there are your lucky ones in life, lottery winners, money in the family type thing,  but remember money isn’t everything. Ask anybody that has it, those people have all of the same problems we all do, just on a different level.  Anything can be attained in this lifetime if you are willing to put in the hard work.
But back to Pujols, the story said that he hits about 15,000 balls a year as practice. That is dedication to a craft. Remember, its never too late to chase a dream, go to night school, start your own business, whatever you want. You can’ t achieve it if you don’t take a first step. Stop the excuses and make it happen.

Inspired Now to  do Triathlon
I am in that same boat right now with excuses as I have been training for this triathlon in August, I am struggling with keeping on a regimen. I have decided to try that P90x program with a lot of others. I just cant get started though. I keep telling myself, well on this day I can’t do and on this day the same. These are the same excuses people have in life. Even my wife is saying that I won’t stick to it.
Next week, I am going to start it and keep what I wrote in the first paragraph of my column in mind. NO EXCUSES!
I have nobody to blame but myself, make time for anything that is wanted in life. You do the same and we will chat in a month or so to see if our lives have changed. Hopefully I will be in the best shape of my life, Its for me but its also for my wife and kids, I want to be healthy and grow old with the loves of my life, my family.

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