Resume Writing

Words, words, and more resume words! Resume writing is tough enough especially if you are not an English Major, and I have spoke with many English graduates who never had even one class in resume writing.

After searching online for the right words to use on my resume I was more confused than ever. There were many word lists for resumes. I found endless lists of adjectives, power words, and action verbs. I was left agitated, felt powerless and had no idea what action I should take. Why were these words recommended and how do you use them? Where is some real resume help?

Then I stumbled upon the Free Resume Dictionary. This website is a real resume writing treasure. At last, resume words with meanings and examples grouped by the knowledge, skills, and abilities I wanted to show employers. The words are grouped by skills groups such as:

• Analytical
• Clerical
• Communication
• Management
• Organizational
• Problem Solving
• Selling

…and so on. Every word includes sample resume statements for resume writing. These are very helpful. I simply found the skill or ability I wanted to show and read the example statement. I made some slight alterations to demonstrate my professional accomplishments and had a complete page in a short time. In addition there are many intelligent resume tips and tactics I had never seen that helped me.

I found the unconventional resume skills, or transferable skills from outside work described exactly what several employers were looking for. Use the Resume Dictionary and within a short time you can have a resume that gets you interviews.

Holly Wright

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