Michael Koester Named Hazelwood School District Teacher of the Year, 2010-2011

HSD Teacher of the Year,pg 4

TEACHER OF THE YEAR: The Hazelwood School District named Michael Koester of Hazelwood Central High School as the 2010-2011 Teacher of the Year. Koester, a social studies teacher, is a graduate of the District and has been teaching since August 2000. District leaders surprised Koester with the announcement during a meeting. From left to right: Dr. Grayling Tobias, assistant superintendent, school accountability; Supt. Steve Price, Koester,  Darrell Strong, principal, Hazelwood Central High School.

The Hazelwood School District named Michael Koester of Hazelwood Central High School as the Teacher of the Year for 2010-2011.

Koester, who teaches social studies, was in a meeting with colleagues when he was surprised by Supt. Steve Price, along with Paula Brown, federal programs coordinator and Grayling Tobias, assistant superintendent for school accountability. Principal Darrell Strong asked Koester to stand as the announcement was made.

In humble fashion, Koester acknowledged the honor while giving kudos to his colleagues for their support. He will be honored at the annual Hazelwood Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Founders’ Day Celebration on February 3; all HSD building Teacher of the Year and Support Staff of the Year winners will be recognized at the event.

“I’m very surprised,” Koester said. “I was happy to have just been a finalist.”

“Being named District Teacher of the Year is beyond all belief, especially coming from the District as a student. Coming back here to teach is fun, and this is a great honor,” he said. He is a 1995 graduate of Hazelwood Central High and attended Lusher Elementary and Hazelwood Junior High schools.

Koester began teaching in the District in August 2000. He has experience teaching advanced placement history courses, college preparatory history courses, economics and geography. In 2005, he was named an Emerson Excellence in Teaching nominee.

“I have to build relationships with kids before I can teach them. I do that by getting to know the students as individuals.”

“As Teacher of the Year, it’s my responsibility to be a model teacher for people in my building and in the district,” he said.

Again, with a humble spirit, Koester said, “I’m one of many great teachers at Hazelwood Central and in the District itself. I don’t think I should be treated any differently than other hard working teachers.”

His wife, Anna, teaches Spanish at Hazelwood Central High. In 2009, she was the school’s Teacher of the Year winner and a runner-up for the District award.

“This is pretty cool for the family,” he said.

The Founders’ Day selection committee includes administrators, teachers, principals, coordinators, Hazelwood National Education Association (HNEA) and PTA members, and a high school senior.

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