Local Deserving Mom Receives Like-New Car From White Auto Body

The owners and staff of White Auto Body on Dec.7 presented  two refurbished vehicles to deserving individuals in the community.   White Auto Body has donated a vehicle for the last eleven years.  This year will  bring the number of car donations to twenty-six!

Sania (no last name announced)  and her children received a 2004 Toyota Corolla  at the Florissant location with no upfront costs, six  months of liability insurance, and a trunk load of gifts for the holidays.

Sania is a 39-year old single mother of a son and daughter.  She is a student at Florissant Valley Community College.  Her 14-year old son Corry attends Trinity High School and 10-year old Jasmyne is home-schooled.

Sania and her kids have endured some very difficult circumstances.  Sania worked until September 2009 when Jasmyne became suddenly ill.  Jasmyne was diagnosed with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (Atypical HUS).  This is a rare and serious disease affecting approximately 400 children in the United States.  Jasmyne had both kidneys removed in January 2010.  She goes to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital three days a week for dialysis.  Sania does not yet know if Jasmyne is a candidate for a kidney transplant.

There  wre many reasons that compelled White Auto Body to give serious consideration to Sania’s application.  Several times during the course of one conversation, Sania emphatically stated that she has to finish school so she can support her family and most importantly, she “refuses to give up”.  This type of person who refuses to give up and wants to better their life is the exact type of applicant we look for.

The objective of this program is to give someone a hand up, not a handout.   Recipients of the like  “new” cars make a tremendous effort to improve their lives  and financial standing.  Reliable transportation provides more opportunities to  be successful.

Individuals and organizations must first submit an application to White Auto  Body.  During the process, all applicants are required to explain how receiving  an automobile will assist them in becoming self-sufficient.  Candidates must be  insurable and have a demonstrable need.

One  car was presented from each White Auto Body location:  White Auto Body West – O’Fallon  and White Auto Body – Florissant.

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