Reflections on NCAA Picks, Tony LaRussa


As you can recall my picks in the NCAA tournament from my last column, it shows I don’t know much about college basketball. All of my picks were gone in the first round.

Unfortunate though, myself along with several others, feel that this has been a pretty boring tournament with all of the favorites continuing to win. There were no big upsets this year, which makes the tournament exciting every year. Another ridiculous scenario is how the brackets and regionals were setup.

How can you not have Kansas and SIU-E playing here at the dome? That is totally absurd. This whole thing is setup up in my eyes to accommodate a few teams around the nation. This could have been a packed house at the dome for this regional, but no, we get about 25,000 to the dome when it could have been sold out. Unbelievable to me.

—LaRussa May Face Brutal Away Games—-
Alright, I know it has been talked about into the ground, but I guess I have to add my two cents into Tony LaRussa arrest.. Should he have been reprimanded harder by the organization? A lot of people are saying that it is no big deal.

I disagree; this is the World Series Champion manager picked up for DUI. This is a big story. Others are saying that it wasn’t a big deal because his blood alcohol content was just over the limit. That doesn’t matter, the law is the law and you should not drink and drive in any circumstance.

I am sure that any person in Jupiter would have taken him back to the hotel and this would not be an issue. Regardless, as the season starts everyone will probably forget about the incident if the Cardinals continue winning but I cannot wait to see the away ballparks and what there fans signs will say. I am sure they will be brutal.

Onto the Cards themselves, the season is just a few days away. It is really weird though that the season is starting on a Sunday night. As far as I can remember it has always been a day game in the week. It’s going to be really strange but it will be neat to see the ring ceremony on Tuesday night. What a great thing for the fans to get in the replica of the rings. It’s early to tell as always but I think we have a good chance of the repeat this year. We’ll see though.

—Tough to See Marshall Faulk Retire—
It was tough to see Marshall Faulk hang up the shoes this week with the Rams and the NFL as he is only 34 years old and he is retiring. I am 38 and I am not even sniffing retirement. But as they say, all great athletes must walk away from the game sometime. I still think Marshall had one or two more years as a third down back.

He now has a great gig with the NFL Network as an analyst and I think that had a lot to do with his decision. He brought us some great memories here in St. Louis. Who will ever forget his playoff and Super Bowl games.

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