Rams Could Learn Something From the Young Blues Players

By Randy Gardner

What a joy it is to sit down and watch the St. Louis Blues play with all of these young guys and no real per say veterans. It just goes to show you that with a little enthusiasm and the right frame of mind that anything can happen.

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With Halak in goal, we are unbeatable as we sit perched above the division. The Blues  have the best start in the teams history and as of column deadline they had won seven in a row. Not bad, what a great time of the year for sports fans as the Blues are playing well and the Rams can  make an insurgence to win the division.

Concerning the Rams, it was nice to sit back for a week and relax as you did not have to sit and watch the team play either very well or blow a victory, we will leave the latter to the Missouri Tigers, which is another  story.

The Rams have the season in their hands as they have eight games left including four  divisional games. I really like their chances of making it to the playoffs. I don’t think that anyone expected this at all, so it is definitely an unexpected treat for this team to be playing so well.

MSHSA Football Playoff Structure A Mess

I will leave all of the High School Football talk to the experts because I haven’t had much of a chance to watch this year but I can tell you that I think the Missouri State High Sports Association has the playoff structure in Missouri so screwed up, its unbelievable.

Everybody has been complaining for years about the structure but nothing has ever been done about the entire season meaning nothing and only the last three games making a difference. There is no better place to plead this than the 1-7 Fox High School team making the playoffs this year. Ridiculous.

Also, the alignment of all of these schools across the St. Louis area into divisions where all solid teams are in one division— again ridiculous. What will it take to change this thing around. Everyone complains about it year after year but nothing is done. Are they taking lessons from the College BCS system? With as screwed up as that is also, I must say so.

It is hard to believe that we are in November and it feels like May, get out and enjoy the weather and get some exercise before we hibernate our bodies for the winter.

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