HSD Schools Raise $27,000+ For the Heart Association

Hazelwood School District schools raised more than $27,000 for the American Heart Association through its Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart programs during the 2009-2010 academic year.

“Each year our students make a goal to beat our previous year’s amount,” said Kevin Hosty, a physical education teacher at Lawson Elementary School who coordinates Jump Rope for Heart. “We have only missed our goal one time in 10 years. It is wonderful to help a great organization.”

Out of area schools who participated in Jump Rope for Heart, McNair Elementary School placed sixth, with more than $6,100 donated.

“It’s not two or three big donations; a lot of kids at McNair are interested in participating in Jump Rope for Heart,” said Rob Iezzi, a McNair physical education teacher. “The kids are excited about participating in it and it has become a school tradition. We’ve been doing it for a long time and it’s gotten bigger and bigger. There’s power in numbers. We have had donations as small as five dollars and our biggest donation was $333.”

Four HSD schools finished in the top 10 in area schools for Hoops for Heart donations:  Hazelwood Central Middle finished in ninth with $1,220, Jana Elementary School came in eighth with $1,280, Hazelwood North Middle School placed sixth with almost $1,500 and Hazelwood West Middle School finished fourth with more than $1,800.

“We believe that healthy hearts start at a young age,” said Hazelwood Central Middle School Principal Robert Lawrence. “We are teaching kids about being healthy while at the same time helping others.”

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