Hazelwood School Board Puts $120 Million Bond Issue on Nov. 2nd Ballot

The Hazelwood School District Board of Education has approved a resolution calling for a bond election for Nov. 2. The initiative will be called Proposition H and will not be a tax rate increase.

The bond issue will request $120 million to fund facility priorities such as data and power distribution; life, health and safety upgrades; new or replaced heating/ventilation/air conditioning systems; science lab upgrades; replacement of deteriorated exterior wall systems and hazardous floor tile; new white boards; new or expanded libraries; and elevators.

The recommendation for the no-tax-rate-increase bond issue is the result of Phase III of Hazelwood 1st, a public engagement process involving District parents, community and business leaders over a three-month period beginning in January. The recommendation was presented to the board by Hazelwood 1st co-facilitators Kathy Jones and Zella Williams in May.

“Proposition H will address facility upgrades and will allow our students to remain competitive in the world beyond the kindergarten through grade 12 education they’re receiving here in Hazelwood,” said Supt. Steve Price. “It will allow us, for example, to upgrade the infrastructure for our technology, which is important for student success.  It is also going to allow us to bring our buildings up to code.

“When I think of code, I think of assuring that our students remain safe in a healthy environment that’s conducive to learning.  Proposition H is going to allow our community to enjoy those kinds of advantages for our students.”

For more details about Hazelwood 1st and Proposition H, visit the District website at www.hazelwoodschools.org

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