Florissant Council Turns Down Wal-Mart Developer

With a packed audience, most of them opposing a plan for a new Wal Mart Super Center, the Florissant City Council by a 9-0 vote turned down THF Development as the preferred developer of  to the 3200-3400 North Highway 67 redevelopment plan.

THF wants to build a new Wal-Mat Center on 49 acres of land, which is located behind the Lowe’s store on N. Lindbergh. However, THF wants Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in order to proceed with the project.

“What wait for them to go through all the planning, let’s tell them (THF) right up front that we won’t support a TIF,” said Councilwoman Karen McKay. The other council members concurred and thus the unanimous vote against THF during the second reading Monday night. The council had taken “a straw vote” in a closed session previously to oppose the TIF for the plan.

Alan Bornstein, a representative from THF, spoke to the council about the Wal-Mart plans at a previous meeting.

No formal proposal had been made, awaiting the outcome of the vote that would have made THF the preferred developer for the site.  Bornstein didn’t say whether THF would another plan at the site without a TIF.

The council chambers were packed Monday night with opponents of the plan.  Many were members of Grocery Workers Union 655. Also some residents who lived near the tract were concerned about traffic, as plans would have called for access through neighboring subdivisions

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