Ferguson-Florissant New Student Registration Open, Classes Begin Aug. 12

Families of students new to the Ferguson-Florissant School District this year are asked to register children for classes. Classes for the 2010-2011 academic year begin Aug. 12.

To enroll students, please visit the district’s Administration Building, Room B-11, 1005 Waterford Drive in Florissant. The district registration office is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. After the first day of school, Friday hours are added.

Please bring all the following items to enroll a child:

•An occupancy permit that is less than 90 days old PLUS

• A current lease if you rent OR a mortgage payment book or mortgage bill if you own a home

• If you live in someone else’s home, an affidavit of residency form (available in our office)

• PLUS an occupancy permit from the homeowner that is less than 90 days old

• PLUS the homeowner’s mortgage payment book or mortgage bill

• PLUS mail, not an ad, sent to the person registering the student

• Student’s original birth certificate issued by the state with an official raised seal

• Student’s original Social Security card

•Student’s complete immunization record from infancy

• For students entering kindergarten and first grade only, results of a vision screening test

• For elementary and middle school children only, the student’s last report card

• For high school students only, an official transcript

• If you are registering during the school year, please bring a withdrawal form from the child’s previous school

• If the child is served by the Special School District, bring a copy of their IEP and evaluation

• A discipline report in a sealed envelope for privacy will speed enrollment

• If you are a child’s legal guardian, bring proof such as court documents, a divorce decree, placement papers or foster care information

• A government issued photo ID for the person enrolling the student

Any questions, contact the registration office at 506-9962.

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