Ferguson-F’ssant Board Hires Superintendent Search Firm

Ferguson-Florissant’s Board of Education has selected a professional search firm as part of its process to identify a successor to retiring Superintendent Jeffrey R. Spiegel.

The independent executive search firm of Ray and Associates Inc. was hired to conduct an extensive national search for candidates who will be considered by the Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education.

Spiegel announced earlier this month that he will retire at the end of the 2010-2011 school year after 35 years with the district, seven as superintendent.

The search for Spiegel’s replacement will be structured to include input from staff, parents and the community, as well as the board.

“We want this process to be transparent and inclusive,” said Board President Les Lentz. “Our goal is to find the most qualified person to lead our district.”

First steps include feedback from all groups to gather information about what the Ferguson-Florissant community is looking for in its next superintendent. This phase could include surveys and focus groups and will result in a profile for the position.

The consultant will review all candidates and present semi-finalists to the board in September for interviews. Individuals selected as finalists also will be interviewed by staff, parents and community groups to provide additional input.

The Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education anticipates announcing the district’s new leader in October.

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