Online Court Fee Payment Approved by Florissant ; 6-3 Vote

By Carol Arnett

Anyone who receives a court fine in Florissant will soon have another way to pay.  At their last meeting, the Florissant City Council voted on using the REGIS online payment service for collecting court fees.

Judge Tim Kelly and Anny Davis, who works in the court, spoke to the council. They said they had discussed using an online payment system for several years. Kelly pointed out that the court already used the REGIS system for things other than payments, and said that court staff was comfortable with it. Kelly also said that he had discussed using the system with City Finance Director Randy McDaniel, who agreed that REGIS would be a good fit.

Councilman Andrew Podleski asked Kelly if the court got bids for other online payment systems. Kelly said that he spoke to the administration, and they also suggested REGIS.

“I want to make sure the city is spending the least amount of money on the best product,” said Councilwoman Karen McKay. She said she would like more information before spending the $5,000 for REGIS.

Councilman Tim Lee said he wasn’t sure that REGIS was the best solution.  “I wish we would have done a more thorough job,” he said, adding that although bids were not required, the city could have sought them.

Mayor Robert Lowery, however, said that he supported the REGIS system. He noted that it is a local company that the city has worked with before. “Judge Kelly and Ms. Davis worked with the finance department to find a solution, and I support it,” Lowery said. Lowery also noted that bids are not required for a professional service.

“Whether or not you have to get proposals, it’s good business practice to do so,” Lee said. He said that other companies offered some options that REGIS does not, including the option to pay by phone.

Council President Tom Schneider noted the work that the court staff had done in finding a solution. “I recommend we show respect for the judicial branch and follow their recommendation,” he said.

The council voted 6-3 to approve the appropriation for the REGIS system, with Podleski, McKay and Lee voted no.

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