Holiday Giving Tradition Continues


North County has always been a caring community and this Christmas season is no exception as many organizations are getting into the spirit of the season by giving to others.

At St. Rose Philippine Duchesne School, students adopted five families to help. They donated food and gift cards and a group bought clothes and toys for the families.

Debbie Davis, the Student Council Moderator, said that the student council organized the adoption. “We encouraged students not to just say to their parents, ‘give me money,’ but ask ‘what extra chores can I do to earn money,’ and we got very positive feedback from parents.”

Davis said the students collected and earned enough money to give the five families several gifts and also made stockings for each member of the families.

At Atonement Lutheran School, students collected money to help children with incarcerated parents. In addition, students collected gifts for the children. School Secretary Sarah Miller said the students have done this project before.

Students at St. Angela Merici have been working on being better people and respecting others. Principal Maryann Coffman said the theme of their Christmas preparations has been respect for others and themselves.

Students have collected paper products and toiletries and will present them to the Little Sisters of the Poor to distribute to those in need.

Trinity High School held both a canned food drive and a toy drive. Director of Advancement Dan Grumich said that over 600 cans of food were collected in the drive sponsored by the National Honor Society. It was given to a local food pantry.

The Campus Ministry department sponsored the toy drive. Over 540 toys were collected, Grumich said. They will be donated to the Toys for Tots program.

One organization that gives all year is The Emergency Assistance Ministry (TEAM) food pantry, which is staffed by volunteers who donate their time to the pantry. Volunteer Jackie Meierotto said that the pantry had plenty of clients this year. “There aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up with orders,” she said.

Meierotto said that food was coming in, as it usually does this time of year. “The food supply dwindles right after the holiday,” she said.

TEAM accepts donations of food or money. “We use money to buy what isn’t donated,” Meierotto said. The hours are 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Many fire stations in the area also accept donations for TEAM.

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