Storm Cleanup for Unincorporated St. Louis County



Storm Debis Removal Program for Unincorporated

Areas of St. Louis County announced

   The Saint Louis County Department of Transportation will remove branches and other tree debris felled by last Friday’s severe weather.

The program is limited to unincorporated neighborhoods in Saint Louis County. Municipalities are offering similar services in their community. Residents are asked to stack storm-generated tree debris behind the curb in front of their homes. County crews will haul the limbs and sticks away over the next two weeks – utilizing front-end loaders, dump trucks and muscle to do so.

“Saint Louis County is committed to helping residents recover from the storm’s impact,” said County Executive Sam Page. “This debris removal program is one way we’re supporting our residents. We also ask that you report all storm damage to the United Way’s 211 line.”

County personnel cannot enter private property and will only remove vegetative debris left curbside. Residents are also asked to restrict the debris they bring to the curb to branches and sticks; any other debris will be left on the curb.

“This program is strictly limited to the removal of tree debris deposited by last Friday’s storm,” said David Wrone, County DOT public information manager.        “Because everything we haul away will be taken to a Saint Louis County park and ground into mulch, we can’t mingle shingles, siding or any other kind of non-vegetative matter in with the limbs and sticks