Girls at Grannemann Elementary Love Being Members of School Book Club

For a small group of fifth grade girls at Grannemann Elementary School in the Hazelwood School District, staying after school as a member of Book Lovers is new and interesting.

Organized by Nikole Troxler, the school psychologist, the book club seeks to “promote a general love for reading, encourage girls to articulate thoughts and opinions, provide an environment for girls to build healthy relationships, foster respect for different ideas, increase self-esteem and have fun.”

The name Book Lovers came from its 10 members through a vote.

“I had the girls write down names they would like and then we voted,” said Troxler. “I explained to them that our group will mirror society at-large in that the majority opinion will rule whenever an issue is to be voted on.”

The girls are reading age-appropriate titles, which were also voted on. Troxler said it was “fairly easy” to decide which books to read because she had “to choose from the books available.” Troxler serves both Grannemann and Jury Elementary School; the books come from both schools.

During a session of Book Lovers, the girls were reviewing, discussing and reading chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14 of “The Skin I’m In” by Sharon G. Flake. Throughout the year, they will read “Bud, Not Buddy” by Christopher Paul Curtis and “Yolonda’s Genuis” by Carol Fenner.

Jessica Jackson and Lauryn Wade shared their feelings about being in the club.

“I like the fact that we get to read and discuss the chapters,” said Jackson.

“I like that we’re reading good books with good characters. I love the fact that we get to come back and discuss it,” said Wade.

Troxler gave each of the girls a notebook at the start of the book club to use as a tool to communicate with them. The notebooks serve as a journal and the girls write answers to discussion questions. Troxler collects the journals and writes responses.

“I distribute discussion questions prior to reading the assigned chapters,” said Troxler. “I do this for a couple of reasons – so that I can have some barometer that they are actually reading the book, and to increase comprehension skills. I provide the page(s) where they can find the answer because I am not interested in whether the answer is right or wrong, but that they are keeping up with the reading.”

Through the book club, Troxler hopes “to create a positive environment for girls who enjoy reading, and even for those who don’t.”

Jackson said that she signed up for the club because her mother told her she needed to have “a lot of extracurricular activities” and because she likes to read and write and thought it would be fun.

“I signed up because I also like reading and writing, and my mom thought this would be a good opportunity for me,” said Wade.

The Book Lovers meet on Wednesday afternoons for an hour. Troxler already feels the club is a success.

“When I read their responses in their journals, I know that it is a success,” she said. “The girls always verbally express their appreciation for the book club.

“Ideally, I would love for Book Lovers to become a part of the educational landscape of Grannemann, if you will,” said Troxler. “I most definitely will continue to host it next school year.”

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