Hazelwood School District Receives $15,000 School Safety Grant

The Hazelwood School District (HSD) received a $15,000 grant from the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA) that will be used to support school safety programs and initiatives. Funding was made possible through a legislative appropriation to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is administered by MSBA through its Missouri Center for Education Safety (CES), the state’s school safety center.

”The Hazelwood School District is one of just 49 school districts in Missouri to be awarded this grant,” said Dr. Maxine Valdez, assistant superintendent of student services. “We are very excited to be receiving this grant. The money received, will go towards upgrading school safety communication devices in five of our school buildings.”

The CES provides comprehensive support to all schools in Missouri, through training, technical assistance, and other safety-related initiatives. According to the CES website, “Providing a safe and secure learning environment for students is a top priority for all Missouri school districts and these grants will help fund projects and programs designed to do just that,” says CES Director Paul Fennewald.

In addition to the school district grants, additional funds were provided to CES to support a comprehensive school safety program for Missouri.  This money will support safety-related training programs and provide technical assistance to schools on issues such as cyber security, counter-bullying, behavioral risk assessment, radicalization, and other school safety areas.


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