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Councilman Steps Down to Take City Economic Director Job
By Carol Arnett
Council 6 Councilman Patrick Mulcahy has resigned from the city council to take a job with the city as Economic Director. Mayor Timothy Lowery asked the council to approve Tom O’Donnell as the councilman until the April 2023 election. O’Donnell ran O’Donnell Pharmacy in Florissant for several years.
O’Donnell thanked his family and friends. He also thanked Mulcahy for his time on the council. He said he did not seek this out, but when the mayor called, he said yes.
Mulcahy spoke to the council. He thanked them for their assistance during his time on the council. He also thanked the residents of Ward 6.
As Mulcahy was the council vice president, the council held a vote for a new vice president and elected Councilman Robert Parson as vice president.
The council passed the bill that sets the budget for fiscal year 2023. They also held first readings on several bills that relate to the budget.
Big Boy Burgers Coming Soon
In other matters, the council:
• Passed a bill that changes fees for various park facilities.
• Approved a request for a special use permit from Taste Buds Catering to J-n-R Enterprises, doing business as Big Boy Burgers for the operation of a restaurant at
1156 Shackelford. Jeffrey Reed, the owner of Big Boy Burgers, spoke to the council. He said he planned on serving the best burgers in the city. The council passed a bill approving the special use permit transfer.
• Passed a bill transferring funds within the General Revenue Fund between various accounts for the purpose of mid-year adjustments.
• Passed a bill transferring funds within the Park Improvement Fund between various accounts for the purpose of mid-year adjustments.
• Passed a bill authorizing a transfer of $25,000 from one Capital Improvement fund to another for the purpose of mid-year adjustments.
• Held a first reading on a bill appropriating the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the 2022 fiscal year for the city.