Florissant Scouts learn Real Life Preparation Lesson




3 Area Scouts are Honored for rescue
3 Area Scouts are Honored for rescue 

Three Boy Scouts are recognized by their principals for assisting with the rescue of a man stuck in the mud. From left (rear) are: Paul Alvord, principal, Russell Elementary; Dustin Owen, Florissant Police department; Katherine Chambers, principal, Northwest Middle. Second row (from left): Alexander Frank, Jake Wenzara, and Colt Daily.

Alexander Frank, Jake Wenzara and Colt Daily were taking part in the annual Trash Bash on March 22 in Sunset Park. They were helping clean up the bank of the Missouri River when they came upon a man who was stuck in the mud.

“He was in very deep,” recalled Daily, 13.  “I thought, ‘we have to help him,’” said Frank, 11. “He was trying to dig himself out but he seemed to be getting deeper.”

The boys are students in the Hazelwood School District. Wenzara and Daily are seventh graders at Hazelwood Northwest Middle School, and Frank is a fifth grader at Russell Elementary. They belong to Boy Scout Troop 829 which is led by John Frank, Alexander’s father.

To help the man in the mud, the boys retrieved a piece of fence they had come across earlier while picking up trash. They thought it would be helpful to the rescuers to step on the fence to keep them from sinking while attempting to get the man out of the mud. Frank said he also gathered logs to help with the rescue attempt.

The boys told some adults who were nearby and they eventually got the man out of the mud. “He said thank you and left,” Wenzara said.

The scouts say they learned a very important lesson that day.  “Be prepared and use what’s around you to solve problems,” Frank said.

The boys have been recognized by their principals and will be honored at an upcoming Hazelwood School District Board of Education meeting. The Florissant Police Department also plan to recognize the scouts.


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