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Read MoreFlorissant 2023 before City Council meeting
Florissant City Budget For 2023 at
$43 Million; $17.1 Million in Reserve
By Carol Arnett
The Florissant City Council’s first October meeting (Oct. 10) was a short one, but the council did issue a proclamation and hold a public hearing. On the 2023 city budget
The Council issued a proclamation for Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Tony Maldonado accepted the proclamation. He is a Florissant resident who is also the chairman of the Board of the Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis.
The city held a public hearing about the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023. The city’s fiscal year runs from Dec. 1 to Nov. 30.
Kimberlee Johnson, the city’s Director of Finance, presented the budget to the council. In this step of the budget process, the mayor presents the proposed budget to the council. The council and public will have a chance to review the budget and propose changes. The council will then vote on approving the final budget.
In his written message to the council regarding the budget, Mayor Timothy Lowery said that the $43 million dollar budget will have a reserve balance of $17.1 million at the end of the 2023 fiscal year.Lowery said that sales tax and utility tax are two of the large revenue sources for the city. After a previous downward trend in sales tax, the city projects a slight increase this year.
The budget also includes pay adjustments that Lowery states will keep city employees’ pay consistent with neighboring municipalities.
In other action, the council:
- Approved a liquor license for 2.0 Restaurant at 462 N. Hwy 67
- Postponed voting on a request for a full liquor by the drink license for Plush Lounge at 12667 New Halls Ferry Road until the next October meeting. City Attorney John Hessel requested the postponement, saying he had received new information late in the previous week and would like to do some further research.