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COVID Still Has The World A Mess
No place on Earth seems totally safe
Dateline: Wuhan, China, December 12, 2019.
A cluster of patients with shortness of breath and fever were discovered in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, China. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has its laboratories in that city. And so it began.
Remember when the Childrens Television Network show Sesame Street started in 1969? It had a cute sign-off at the end of each show. So to steal from that, “This column is brought to you by the letter “C” and the
number “19”. COVID-19.
This month marks the naming of the world-wide pandemic that had the catchy name of ‘novel coronavirus.’ It was determined by an official of The World Health Organization (WHO.. could this acronym be any more ironic?) in China (wonder ‘who’ that guys is.. or was?) that this was likely (love that …”likely”) to be the causative agent for that infectious disease.
No, I am not making this up. Check it out for yourselves at Which by the way, has a cautionary note at the top saying that it is now… wait for it… closed. I could go on with this line of angst, but let me switch gears here. And I apologize for the prolific use of ‘parentheses.”
So it’s been just over two years since we have been in this mess. Going from the World Health Organization to our Center for Disease Control, from one United States president to another United States president, from Wuhan to San Francisco to Los Angeles to New York to Italy to Africa to… well, to every place in the world that has air and people to breath it.
We have worn masks, closed schools and businesses, gotten vaccines and now boosters, 5, 500,000 have died world wide and 50,000,000 have gotten sick. We’ve flattened the curve and seen infection spikes, lost many elderly in the first run and now losing people of all ages.
We’ve heard terms like ‘anti-vaxxers’ and ‘follow the science.’ Saw travel bans called ‘racist and evil’ and now ‘wisely following an abundance of caution,’… by the same politicians! Know of businesses that have folded, others that have grown (mask producers, sanitizer manufacturers, tent makers, testing kit developers, heck, Charmin, Inc!, to name just a few.)
Suffered within families among those who took pandemic seriously and those who just didn’t get what the big deal was all about. Worked through Remote Learning being the order of the day in schools at all levels. Watched as parents, school boards and administrators and teachers tore at each others throats. Lived with people earning their wage while still in their pajamas in their basements.
And how’s about them there variants, so popular these days? The Greek alphabet is getting a workout, and we’re only up to Omicron! And the letter ‘C’? Stands for crazy and confusion and chaos and Covid and crap and conflict and cognitive dissonance and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, which by the way we don’t have to wipe the box off with towelettes anymore.
And the kids, oh, Blessed Lord, the poor kids. Masks to see Grandma, wear them in school, then out, then in again, then maybe out again? I lose track. Losing senior years, proms, scholarships… some, losing friends.
The parents, oh, the Parents, especially of school-aged kids, juggling their jobs with now being teachers and trying to make sense of third grade math.
The letter “F”… frustration, fear, failure, and well… you know.
So what now? More variants? Probably. More switcheroos by the ‘experts’? Yes, of course. More illness, death and confusion? Yep, stay tuned.
Sorry to sound so negative here. Sure wanted this to be a positive word for 2022 when I started out back about 650 words ago. But I am not in a happy place with all this. Nosiree, not at all.
Let me attempt to end with some perspective, as I try to crawl out from under the comforter.
Our world has survived some crazy junk. Depressions galore. World-wide wars, hot and cold. Spanish flu and many plagues.
World-class idiots and Politicians. (Did I just repeat myself?) Somehow, we the people of the world have continued.
I think I need to pray to The Big Virologist in the Sky to please send a new day to the inhabitants of this third rock from the Sun.