‘A United Kingdom’: A True Story Of Love and Courage

Sandra Olmsted

By Sandra Olmsted

Director Amma Asante reveals the true story of Prince Seretse Khama of Botswana (David Oyelowo) and Ruth Williams of England (Rosamund Pike) with conventional filmmaking which fits the story and its time period perfectly. Asante not only brings this little known story to life but evokes the era and its films with her directing style. Asante adapted her film from Susan Williams’ book with the help of Guy Hibbert screenplay.

Rosamund Pike and David Oyelowo play Ruth (Williams) Khama and Prince Seretse Khama of Botswana in A United Kingdom
Rosamund Pike and David Oyelowo play Ruth (Williams) Khama and Prince Seretse Khama of Botswana in A United Kingdom

In post-WWII Britain, the elite young men of African families from British colonies came to Britain to be educated to prepare for the end of colonial rule. Of course, this benefited Britain as much as the men who were being groomed to lead their countries. What was not supposed to happen was that the young men fell in love with English girls.

Despite prejudice and uncertainty, Seretse perseveres in claiming his throne even though his uncle, the regent, wants to block Seretse’s claim because of Ruth. Likewise, Seretse’s family initially rejects Ruth just as Ruth’s father rejected Seretse. Against these odds alone, their love seemed doomed.

Unfortunately, there were also political pressures from the British government, which needed the wealth-generating contracts with South Africa, which was implementing Apartheid. While government bureaucrats (Tom Felton and Jack Davenport) connive to keep the couple apart, Seretse and Ruth struggle to make a way for themselves in a world where Old World colonialism is dying. As economic colonialism rises, the future and stability of Botswana will depend on Seretse and Ruth’s choices and also on stability and choices of neighboring countries.

A United Kingdom is, by turns, heart wrenching and heart warming. Although the style of storytelling isn’t innovative, Asante brings a delicate touch by telling Seretse and Ruth’s story in a traditional manner which brings the emotional aspects of their story to forefront. A United Kingdom is rated PG-13 for some language including racial epithets and a scene of sensuality. The film runs a perfectly timed 111 minutes. A United Kingdom, a Fox Searchlight Pictures release, is in theaters now and well worth seeing.





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