Read MoreFlorissant City Council:
Snow White Daycare Seeks
Rezoning to Business District
By Carol Arnett
The Florissant City Council met in the council chambers on Sept. 13 with a light agenda and one scheduled public hearing being cancelled.
The council held one public hearing about a request to rezone property at 600 Florland Drive from a single family to business district. The building was the Snow White daycare for several years. It was zoned single family with a special use permit for a daycare.
Tanisha Patterson spoke to the council. She said the rezoning would make it easier to get insurance.
“The property is not conducive for a residential property,” said Councilman Joseph Eagan. He said that he did not have any problems with the rezoning.
Patterson said the property needs some upgrades. She plans on keeping the castle, but painting it. “It’s historic,” she said.
The council held a first reading on a bill that would authorize the rezoning.
The second scheduled public hearing was about screening and outside trash enclosures. This was initiated by city staff. The staff also requested a postponement until the Oct. 11 meeting.
In other action, the council:
- Passed a bill that will allow for changes to the development plan at 1790 N. Hwy 67 and 1645 N. Florissant Rd.
- Passed a bill that will allow for a customer pick-up area at 2341 N. Highway 67.
- Passed a bill that will remove “assembly halls not associated with a church or school” as a special use in the extensive business district zoning.
- Passed a bill deleting and replacing the “complaints and grievances” section in the personnel section of the city code. Councilman Robert Parson said he had problems with a section that requires a police officer reporting another officer to put their name on the complaint. He said that he thought that would prevent many officers from making complaints. However, he said, he would vote yes on the bill.
The council previously cancelled the second Sept. meeting, so the next meeting is Oct. 11.