Florissant City Council Aug. 9, 2021

Importing Cars, Electric Car
Charging, 2 Separate Public
Hearings Held in Florissant

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council met in the council chambers last week for their first August meeting. They held two public hearings and read several bills.
The first public hearing was about a request to mend a special use ordinance to allow for the expansion of an auto detailing and vehicle storage establishment at 2420 and 2400 N. Hwy 67.
Joe Dale spoke to the council, representing Glenn Travers auto shop. He explained that the building will not change, but Travers will be obtaining an importers license to allow him to import cars. The company will be leasing space from a neighbor for extra parking if needed.
No one spoke in opposition at the hearing and the council held a first reading on the bill that would allow it.
The second public hearing was about a request to amend certain zoning districts to allow electric vehicle charging stations as a permitted use. This request was made by city staff, and Building Commissioner Phil Lum spoke to the council about the issue.
Ordinarily, he said, an auto fueling station would be a separate business. This would allow an easier path to the electric fueling stations. Ameren has encouraged the city to allow these, he said.
No one spoke in opposition at the hearing and the council held a first reading on the bill that would allow it.
In other action, the council:
• Approved a request to transfer a special use permit from NPC International Inc., doing business as Pizza Hut. To Hutt Missouri, also doing business as Pizza Hut, for the operation o f a restaurant at 2839 Patterson Rd. The council also passed a bill authorizing this.
• Approved a request to transfer a special use permit from Simply Thai to Harlston Foods, doing business as Baxters Chicken, for the operation of a restaurant at 2470 N. Hwy 67. The council also passed a bill authorizing this.
• Held the first reading on a bill authorizing an increase in the annual Sewer Lateral from $28 to $50.
• Held the first reading on a bill authorizing various appropriations from The American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds received.
* Held the first reading on a bill that would authorize an appropriation of $120,000 for the remodeling of the men and women’s locker rooms at the police department.