Catholic Schools Week Begins Jan. 31

Celebrate Catholic Schools Week Jan. 31-Feb. 6

National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Now entering its 47th anniversary year, CSW has traditionally been held the last week in January.

This school year, a second week for Catholic schools to leverage their good news in a national initiative, Discover Catholic Schools Week, was held November 8–14, 2020, and was designated to help schools connect with prospective families, donors, educators and other community members. It promoted what makes Catholic schools the best when families are looking to find the right school for them.

From Jan. 31 to Feb. 6, the traditional Celebrate Catholic Schools Week will be held. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.

Schools typically observe the week with Masses, assemblies and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members to celebrate and congratulate.

The Federation of Catholic Schools in the North County Deanery is an agreement between the pastors of the thirteen parishes in the North County Deanery of the Archdiocese of St. Louis to work more closely together in support of the mission of Catholic education in the North County community.

The Federation schools and parishes collaborate in four main areas:

  • Viability, affordability and accessibility of Catholic Education
  • Maintaining and increasing excellence in Catholic identity, academic programs, extracurricular activities and special programs
  • Embracing increased diversity, and
  • Achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness by sharing resources