HSD School Board Affirms No In-Classroom Learning this year

Hazelwood District Also Will

Continue Virtual Classes until Jan. 8

The Hazelwood School District Board of Education voted Monday for all students to continue

attending school 100% virtually through the end of the first semester (Jan. 8, 2021). The

COVID-19 metrics in the primary zip codes Hazelwood School District serves will continue

to play a major role in the Board’s decisions.

North County’s other largest school district, Ferguson-Florissant had previously announced

all virtual classes will continue in the district at least until the next semester in January.

The Hazelwood School District board also approved in-person testing for special education

services and some additional assessments for specialized programming. The board approved

a slow reemergence of in-person high school athletics/activities. A more detailed update

about in-person high school athletics/activities will be shared as soon as possible.