Enjoy October’s Traits

A Boomer’s Journal:
Awesomeness of the Tenth Month

                    Tom Anselm

And so, October comes.
Wait, WHAT!? October? Are you even kidding me? How could that be, and what happened to September? (Parenthetically, what also happened to March through August, in COVID speak. But move on we must.)
It really is okay with me, th is being October. Chances are real good that them there pesky bugs like gnats and mosquitos and yellow jackets are heading indoors. Oppressive heat mostly a thing of the past. And soccer is in full swing across the fruited plains. Ah, soccer,
my first love and clearly favorite sport of all time. And with grandkids playing high school and club and CYC,
I am once again Vagabond Grandpa, attending as many as my little old heart desires. It is almost such that I can point the Rogue in a direction and like a trusted steed, I will arrive at yet another field. Wandering the sidelines under the cerulean blue sky, inhaling the tasty-crisp air and marveling at the exploits of kin whose skills far outshine those of this old kicker at a similar age.
As good as this all is, October still becomes the season of endings. Foliage adjusting its pallet from vibrant greens to a cacophony of colors followed by the reluctant but inevitable dropping. Those leaves, once generously providing shade and clean air, now becoming underfoot-crunch, giving once again as they turn nutrient to the soil. Grasses browning at last, finally at rest after the relentless rush of summer growth. The sun itself seems to be following a lazy path in its sojourn from one horizon to another, the light in later day taking on an almost eerie haze-glow. All part of the earth’s plan, preparing for the next phase.
However, this year’s October is leaving me wondering, and not without some trepidation. Today, the earth and its inhabitants continue to roil into yet another phase of the pandemic. Some answers have come, but it seems that each day there are more questions.
I am resolved to head into this Fall with appreciation of what beauty and joy it can bring. Still being cautious, but positive as well in the face of the unknown. But then, isn’t each day a foray into the unknown, after all?
So, these next two weeks I’ll be planting some trees, I will. A very good time of the year for that. Feeding and seeding that old lawn, so badly in need of care. Sitting by our new fire pit on the deck. Enjoying the purple-pink sunsets.
And breathing. Just breathing.
Oh, October. If you are anything like your brothers previous, you will be gone before we know it.
Gotta getcha while the gettin’s good.