Veteran Umps Cause Me To Change My Mind About Some Instant Replays

(Posted April 19, 2011)
By Randy Gardner
Recently, I have talked a lot about instant replay in baseball and how they are trying to expand it. I thought it was a great ideal because I am always in favor of getting the calls exactly right, even balls and strikes.
I feel this way about every sport, getting the game called fairly on both sides to make it even.  My thoughts came to a screeching halt though after two separate people brought up great points. The first, who remain nameless, said what would you do on plays that the runners might have advanced on and then the play is called back.
In baseball, that is almost every play. For example, if a ball is hit to the outfield and the outfielder traps the ball after the ump called it an out and the runners advance to bases, how do you put the runners on the correct base?
So many things would play into this like an errant throw after the ball is caught so the runners might have advanced further.
I now think it should only be plays at the plate and home run calls that are either foul or fair or hit the top of wall or not. These plays will not effect the advancement of the game’s plays.
The other issue was brought to me by a lifelong umpire, Don Krank of Black Jack. He mentioned that a lot of the missed calls in the major leagues fall back to the umps not being in the right position. A lot of times due to lack of hustle.. Like all of the sports, the players are usually in their 20s and early 30s and when they are late 30s they are getting old for the game.
Umpires and referees are just the opposite, they are sometimes twice as old as the players. The question then becomes are the umps and refs not mobile enough or quick enough to be on the field. This will open a can of worms, I Know but it is a question that was brought up.
Personally, I don’t feel that age falls into it, but the lack of hustle due to age does. I started referring soccer when I was 14 years old; I didn’t get good at it and truly understand how to let a game have its flow till I was in my 20s. These older refs and umps have the knowledge of the game but sometimes lack the athleticism to match it.
If you were Tony LaRussa what would you do after a losing game ? Would you just keep your mouth quite at the press conferences or would you just open up and unload on the reporters who ask the questions of Tony critically every night?
This all falls back on the beating Tony took for not hitiing and scoring runs in the first six or so games of the season. Since then, the team has had several 12 plus hit game, even a 19 hit game, with several 6 plus run games. I
I sit on the fence here, Tony had every right if he wants to too just give it right back to the reporters but on the other hand, like I always try to promote to the kids I coach, let your actions speak for you. The quite one who does well and doesn’t draw attention to themselves is always way more respected. We will see, The reporters will eventually push him over the edge and it will happen though.
Next time, I will tell you about how much respect I have for any coach who coaches the youth especially the little ones, as I have stood in their shoes now with my first baseball coaching duty with my 6 year old. What a challenge, but I know it will be truly rewarding.

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