A Thanksgiving to Remember

But We Still Have Each Other

                  Tom Anselm

Umm, thanks.
I realize that may sound a bit non-plused, but it’s the best I can do today. I am working on it, believe me, but in a time when we are supposed to be gathering at the end of November with family to celebrate our blessings… well, you know.
We do have blessings, don’t get me wrong. As a nation, for the most part, even our poorest of people have a life-style that far exceeds that of many countries in the world. We have freedoms guaranteed by that amazing document written by those prescient dudes back in the mid-1700s. We have nice cars to take us places, grocery stores to provide us an outrageous variety of food options (at last count on my most recent foray to Schnucks, over 42 choices of bar-b-que sauce.)
Warm homes in the winter, cool in the summer, medicines at the drive-up window, clean water, fast-food places by the bazillions. Yeah, a pretty good deal we got up in here.
So why am I not more thankful, you may wonder? Glad you asked.
Our own clan has been struggling with the realities of not being able to gather indoors. As have many of you as well, no doubt. When we all accumulate ourselves in one spot, there are 23 of us. A good number. Many times, chaos and noise are the by-products of such an accommodation, but heck, it is always fun and full of love and laughter and tears and copious amounts of food and drink.
But not this year. We are all bummed by the realities of the times. So other plans have been formulated, for all intended, and in the ‘abundance of caution’, as say those doctors on TV. Not to mention losing out on extended family events, like charitable fundraisers and the traditional day-after-turkey soccer gathering. That started back when I could still kick it, then taking a brief hiatus and then powered back up about 12 years ago, where we could visit with friends and family seen just that one time a year. So, not so happy with any of this.
However, I always put that big ‘but!’ in there someplace, thanks is what I absolutely need to feel.
We are healthy, having dodged that ugly COVID so far, in spite of a couple of scares. Like I said at the beginning, we are well-fed, clothed and sheltered. We still share our love, although it is oftentimes by text and photo. There have been gatherings, but almost always outdoors, and with Old Man Winter rolling in, that will put a unique and ultimately chilly twist on things. We still have each other, no matter the bruises inflicted by the latest electoral idiocy. Like the Pilgrims and Wampanoag, we are working on living in peace despite our differences. Therefore, I will wake up that coming morning on the last Thursday of this month, look around, say ‘Allo, love’ to my lovely wife and forever-best friend. Take a great, deep breath on Thanksgiving, in thanksgiving… for another day, for my family, my faith, and life as we know it to be. All the best to you and yours, as we continue to ‘make it through.’