Local Businesses Keep Us Moving

Local Business Has Kept Us
Going During the Pandemic

By Sandra Olmsted

The day we have all been waiting for—free to move about the city, the county, the country, and the neighborhood. Open at last and free to eat indoors at restaurants and browse in stores — well sort of, and we should all be thankful and shop with the local merchants and other businesses who provide an economic backbone to our communities. Surely, helping out restaurants by getting carry out, delivery, or score one of those elusive seats at the restaurant table is an easy act of heroism.
Since the list of the essential businesses was quite lengthy and included groceries, medical and dental offices, auto repair shops, and contractors who kept our stuff at home up to snuff during the shutdown, we should remember that they really embraced the possible risks. Perhaps all the truck commercials can be accounted for by the fact it seemed, that if one owned a truck for your business, one could stay open. We should also remember that small business, like Korte’s and barbers and hair salons, had reasons to close, as did others who had stricter rules for customers. Many have now reopended In any case, just be understanding and see if they have an online presence and patronize them virtually.
Restaurants have taken on or taken to offering meals for carry out and delivery; unfortunately, some catering companies, which want to switch up their businesses to pick up services have found a tangled web of paperwork instead of the possibility of remaining solvent. Some of the local restaurants the who have help us have by having something besides home cooking through the shutdown, such as Cannoli’s, Cugino’s, Max’s Meat’s & Deli still need our support as they recover financially.
Some the local contractors and hardware stores who have stayed open and fixed or replaced or have helped those stuck at home redecorate or landscape include:
Archway Clean Sweep, Behle Materials, Citizen’s National Bank, Florissant Glass, Kay-Bee Electric, J&M Services, ITS Computers, and Handyman True Value and Keeven Appliance Other businesses offer small comforts , like vitamins, or musical instrument repairs, or dry cleaning or tobacco Liquor available, such as, respectively, Blue Sky Nutrition, The Music shop, Chism’s Dry Cleaning, and Tinder Box Vino 100. And especially those who kept our cars running even though gas was cheap and we couldn’t go anywhere, like Ken’s Auto Repair, Gary’s Auto, KDC Automotive Service Imported Car Care, and Kunkel Auto.  Strini Jewelers in Hazelwood and Don Henefer Jewelers in Florissant have been back at their stores nearly two months.
Of course, the doctors, dentists, optimists, and vets who have kept us breathing, chewing, staring at our computers and TVs, and sneaking out for a walk, such as North County Foot & Ankle, Resler-Kerber Optomity, , all deserve kudos along with air conditioning folks like Goldkamp and Click, In fact, any hero who ran errands for those too afraid or too vulnerable to hit even the grocery store, should give him or herself pats on the back until social distancing is over, and we can pat each other on the back.
Other local institutions and businesses that deserve our appreciation because they have offered us help and comfort in our worst moments. Churches, which have either stop holding services and/or moved online, yet seen their contributions shrink, even while offering spiritual comforts on an individual basis. And support systems found in places like Florissant Valley Memorial Post 4105. Other businesses, such as Hutchens Mortuary, have been there in the darkest hours for some, and, despite their own risks, have guided the bereaved through the strange new customs.
Supporting local businesses supports your local schools, parks, workers, and neighbors. Alll those who stayed open, reopened, and need our support made us a stronger community by their actions; it is time to be their community.
I can honestly say I will not miss wearing a mask when this really is over. Can we have a mass mask-burning bonfire and BBQ party and indoor concert and movie when we don’t need them anymore!? Can we celebrate those who made it all a little easier by working when we didn’t!?