Florissant Seeks COVID-19 Relief Funds

City Council Resolution Approved to

Request Funds from St. Louis County

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council once again held a Zoom meeting for the city council last week, with participants signing in from remote locations.

City Attorney John Hessel spoke at the beginning of the meeting to assure the participants and audience that the remote meeting was in accordance with state and county law.

The first item was a change to the agenda to include a resolution that will help the city apply for Coronavirus relief funds from the county.

The resolution asks that the city, and other cities in the county, receive an equitable distribution of the d $175 million the county received from the COVID Relief Act.

Hessel explained that normally, agenda changes should be entered more than 24 hours in advance. This change was not announced because the city

did not have time to change it after getting information. In this case, the late change was unavoidable.

The rest of the agenda was light, with no public hearings, but the council did take action on some bills.

The council passed a bill that would approve rezoning for the Lowe’s property at 3180 N. Highway 67. The property was zoned only for a hardware store.

This will allow other uses. During a public hearing last month, two developers for the property said they hope to use the big box building for other uses and

mentioned a gym, trampoline park and storage units. They sought the rezoning so it could be a “multi-use property.

  • The council also passed a bill authorizing a special use permit for Premier Auto Service that will allow the business to expand to 1890 and 1900 N. Highway 67,
  • the property next door.
  • The council also passed a bill that will put a ballot proposition to the voters. The proposition would apply a local use tax at the same rate as the local sales tax of
  • the city for purchases from out-of-state vendors that exceed $2,000.
  • The council also passed a bill that would allow the use of legal golf carts in city parks. Golf courts are currently allowed on the streets of Old Town Florissant.
  • The council also passed a proclamation supporting National Police Week. This week, officers who were killed in the line of duty are normally honored in Washington, D.C.

The council also moved the next meeting to Tuesday, May 26 because of Memorial Day.