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Mark Behlmann

Mark Behlmann Files For . . .

4th District County Council Seat

Mark Behlmann, currently on the Hazelwood School District board of directors, has announced that he has filed for the Democratic nomination for the St. Louis County Council, District 4 in the August Primary.

The seat is currently occupied by Rochelle Walton Gray. The winner will be the Democratic nominee in the November General Election.

Behlmann has served on the Hazelwood School Board for 21 years on two non-consecutive terms. He, along with incumbents Margo McNeil and Brenda Youngblood, will be reelected to the school board on April 7 as they are the only candidates this year on the ballot for the school board positions. If elected to the county council, Behlmann most likely will have to resign from his seat on the Hazelwood School Board after the November elections.

Behlmann announced that his campaign theme for the County Council will be ”I do not trust words, I trust actions.” He vows to return all constituents calls in a timely manner. “I’d like to meet constituents face-to-face to view their problems.”