Dome Turned Out To Be Soldier’s Field For Both Bears, Rams


What a wonderful night it was at soldier field for the Rams and the Bears, oh that’s right I wasn’t in Chicago, I was at the Edward Jones Dome right here in St. Louis.
It felt like I was in Chicago though as the fans almost outnumbered the Rams fans at our own dome. I don’t know if we have a bunch of sell-out fans or do we just have a lot of entrepreneurs here in St. Louis as they sold there tickets to Chicago fans.

Russell athletics had a white out in progress where they gave out white t-shirts to everyone, I actually think it was a great ideal but no one put them on. I think the plan was concocted to drown out the orange and blue of the Chicago Bears.

As the game went on and our fans left quarter by quarter, it became more prevalent just how many Bears fans there were there. By the end of the 3rd quarter, there were just as many media people there as there were Rams fans.

In actuality, the first half wasn’t bad as the Rams put some points on the board and played halfway decent on defense. The second half was a disaster as the Bears drove the ball as they pleased against the Rams. I hate to be so darn negative all of the time about this team, but they just aggravate the heck out of me.

This is kind of a touchy subject and I don’t know exactly where I stand because I can see both sides. This is the topic of Pisa Tinaisamoa. He has been playing with a hurt shoulder, elbow and hand. He is truly a warrior and that is what I like to see, not only in football but in daily life from everyone, but when does he start hurting the team?

He has been playing basically with one arm and now he broke his other hand. Will he sit it out the rest of the season or does this defense need a linebacker that is basically walking wounded?

Lackadaisical Play Costs Kitchen His Job —
How about those Blues putting the axe to Mike Kitchen as he was fired on Monday night? I do agree something needed to happen to change things up but I thought he was a pretty good coach. I think the team is just lackadaisical. Someone needs to light a fire under some of these veterans’ behinds.

I think that’s they think since they have been around for awhile, they can half it. That doesn’t work at this level. I am so sincerely into the pay for play aspect. Yeas, you can make those millions of dollars and maybe even more than you do now, but you get paid by the catch, goal, or touchdown.

The rest of us get paid like that in our jobs. If we don’t perform, we don’t get raises and have the chance of getting fired. Hopefully our new coach will light the fire under some butts.

Other than that, Happy Holidays. I wish you all of the best; another year is just around the corner. Make sure and make those New Years resolutions. As you can probably expect, mine will probably have something to do with weight reduction. What about yours?

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