Florissant, VFW Post Honor 911

With Special Program, Music

Sees Life as it Ought to Be



A large crowd gathered at the VFW Post 4105 for the 18th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by terrorists. Mayor Tim Lowery provided the opening remarks. This year’s guest speaker was Florissant Valley Fire Protection District Chief Jason Hoevelmann.
Friends of Veterans welcomed everyone at the ceremony, the Colors were presented by the members of the VFW 12th District, The Daughters of the American Revolution gave the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lady J Huston, a multi-talented entertainer, accomplished as a singer, songwriter, musician and recording artist sang “God Bless America” after the opening prayer that was given by the VFW Auxiliary. Charles Glenn, best known as the St. Louis Blues’ Anthem singer, performed “God Bless The USA.” Members of the Florissant American Legion Post 444 closed the ceremony with a rendition of taps.
All of the veteran and service organizations that service the Florissant area were represented at this event to gather in remembrance of those who perished on that infamous day.
The Florissant, Hazelwood, and St. Louis County Police Departments and the Florissant Valley and Black Jack Fire Departments were sent special invitations to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice their New York comrades made that day.



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