Hazelwood Joins National Safe City Celebration on Sept. 29

The Hazelwood City Council has issued a Safe Cities Proclamation declaring the last week in September as Crime Prevention Week in Hazelwood. In conjunction with this effort to take a stand against crime and violence, the City of Hazelwood is partnering with the Neighborhood Watch Commission and the National Crime Prevention Council to organize a Safe City Celebration on Tuesday, Sept. 29.

This event is part of a Celebrate Safe Communities initiative aimed at giving residents an opportunity to meet and acquaint themselves with local law enforcement officers who work to protect them while on duty. Communities across the country are hosting similar crime prevention events on this day.

“The vitality of our community depends upon safe homes, neighborhoods, schools and places where we work. Personal injury, financial loss and neighborhood deterioration resulting from acts of crime are intolerable, and require a coordinated effort,” said Police Chief Carl Wolf.

“The Hazelwood Police Department is committed to reducing the number of people victimized by crime in order to make our neighborhoods a safe place to live, “ said Chief Wolf.

Wolf said several parties will be held throughout the City of Hazelwood on Sept. 29 to show support for Crime Prevention Month.

“These parties don’t have to be expensive. Just come out, throw some hamburgers on the grill and get to know your neighbors better,” he added.

Anyone interested in organizing a party for the Safe City Celebration should contact Karen Gittenmeier of the Hazelwood Police Department at (314) 513-5201. She can also provide residents with information on parties and other event activities planned for their subdivisions.

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