St. Louis County Executive Sam Page Appoints . . .

New County Counselor

St louis County logoSt. Louis County Executive Sam Page announced Tuesday that he has appointed Beth Orwick as the next County Counselor.

Orwick currently serves as an Assistant United States Attorney for the United States Department of Justice. Before serving as a federal prosecutor, she was Chief Trial Assistant and White Collar Team Leader in the office of former Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce. Orwick has appeared on national and local media outlets, including 48 Hours.

“Beth is smart, ethical, and dedicated to public service. She’s the kind of leader St. Louis County needs to restore the public’s trust in County government,” said County Executive Page.

Orwick’s current and former colleagues praised her selection.

“Beth has been a dedicated public servant for 17 years,” United States Attorney Jeff Jensen said. “She is a talented attorney whose integrity is beyond reproach. The U.S. Attorney’s office will miss her, but this is a tremendous gain for the citizens of St. Louis County.”

“Beth Orwick is one of the most talented lawyers I’ve ever worked with,” former Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce said. “I was so fortunate to have her on my executive team. Dr. Page is very smart to bring her on board.”

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