Randy Gardner on Sports: Gloria??

Does Our Cup Runneth Over??

By Randy Gardner

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

It is hard to believe that we sit on the edge of winning a Stanley Cup. What an exciting ride it has been. The ups and downs are hard on the heart. After a big win in game 2, everybody was on board for a butt-kicking of Boston in game 3, but the Bruinss the butt kicking. Game 4 really scared me as it was pretty much a win at all cost game. There is no way that we could have gone down 3 games to 1 and then fought our way back, especially against this tough Boston team.

When the Blues play the disciplined game that they did on Tuesday, I think they are unbeatable. They have to come out and hit and hit hard. Once they get some of that momentum going they are unstoppable both on defense and offense. It is such a pretty game to watch when they are firing on all cylinders. This just goes to show everyone how tough of a game this is. These guys are taking snapshots to the body and the face and then returning shortly afterwords to continue to play. I love the hard hits and physical play but honestly I hate to see anyone on either team get seriously injured. I was really worried about the mental state of Jordan Bennington heading into the game on Tuesday after being yanked for the first time. He bounced back huge though as he really put the team on his back. Let’s hope for a big win on Thursday in Boston and then finish it out at home. Lets go Blues!

It’s funny how you randomly can run into someone and a whole chunk of your past can come back to life. This happened to me this week as I took my middle son golfing. I happened to run into a friend that I hadn’t seen in 25 years or more. We had played college soccer together and I hadn’t seen him since. I recognized him from the second I saw him. We instantly started bringing up old college stories and stories about soccer. Sometimes in the business of life you forget all of this stuff but for a few minutes I felt like I was in my early 20’s again.

That only lasted for a few minutes though as my 50-year-old life came back to reality. It’s funny how comments can linger…I had an 8-year-old on my baseball team the other night throw me a ball and I kind of dove to catch it and he said “You’re pretty active for a 50-year-old man.” For me I don’t feel old but to him I am just another old man. That scares me as the number continues to grow but my feeling on my age continue to fall. I feel like I am in my 30s most of the time. For all the older people reading this you know exactly what I mean, for all you younger people, appreciate everyday of your youth… it flies by. Then you will live everyday asking “Where did all the time go??”

Lastly, get out and exercise, the weather is beautiful outside. Whether it is for a small walk or a 10-mile run. Test yourself to be better each day. This could be the difference as you get older like me. It doesn’t take more than about 30 minutes a day to be healthier. It’s such a small price to pay each day for better health and a longer life. You don’t think about things too much day to day but as you grow older you look at the months and years that you wasted and wish you had back. Don’t be that person, live everyday to its fullest. Again, lets go Blues! Just two more wins.

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