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Read MoreFlorissant Police Reminds Motorists to Buckle Up Children and Arrive Alive
Car crashes are the number one killer of children. During the last 3 years in Missouri, 56 children were killed and 437 more suffered disabling injuries. The Florissant Police are joining with law enforcement September 12-19 for an aggressive National CPS Week Law Enforcement Campaign to crack down on Missouri’s child safety seat violators and to reduce highway fatalities and injuries to children.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that child safety seats reduce the risk of being killed in a car crash by 71% for an infant and by 54% for a toddler. This is why all 50 states have laws that require the use of child safety restraints.
Chief William Karabas said regular child safety seat and safety belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.