Sale of Rams Could Be Good For Team, Fans

It was just a matter of time and we all knew it, that is the sale of the Rams. It is such a sad thing or is it? Georgia would hate the way that her kids are taking care of this team and its fans. They could care less about football and it shows.

I am glad that the team is up for sale. I just pray that a local owner steps up and buys this team. Hopefully Dave Checkett of the Blues can put together an investment group to buy the team— not just for the fact that the team will stay in St. Louis but the fact that the fans will buy in and stand behind a local group that cares about the fans.

We can have football back the way it was several years ago during the glory years.
The sad thing is that the team will sell for so much money that we will never see the current owners again as they travel off to a paradise where money will never be a problem. That’s business, isn’t it?

Honestly, the current ownership group would have a better time selling if they wait for a winning year.

Get the Kids Outside to Play This Summer

Hopefully most of you have had a chance to get out and enjoy this great weather between the raindrops of course. I look around and we talk about this all of the time and see so many overweight and obese kids.

It is one thing to be an adult and be overweight, that’s a choice. But for children often it is poor choices by the parents and that is not fair. Let’s get the kids out from in front of the TV and video games and have them get out to the playground, ride a bike, or just play ball.
Remember when we were kids and we wouldn’t come in until after dark and even then we didn’t want to come in. That would solve the problem along with a few vegetables instead of the fast food easy way out.

I know we all have busy lives but let’s make some time for our kids. Even if this means cooking one time a week enough vegetables and stuff for the week and have ready in the refrigerator. Then it will be there for the kids. Try it for the kids and maybe for yourself, too. You will feel great and it will become addictive.

The River City Rage is still doing well even though they lost their last home game. The team is now 7-3 and headed for the playoffs with just one home game left. The team’s playoff schedule has not been determined but I am sure they will have some home playoff games.

Once again, get out and support our local teams and players, someday it might be your kid looking for that pro team to play for and without support now, they won’t be there in the future.

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