With The Blues, Like The Cardinals . . .

“We” Are Always Part of the Team

By Randy Gardner

Here we go again with the St. Louis Blues, it is a total roller coaster ride. Last column, I was hoping to pull out a big win to get us to the 2nd round, well that happened and here we are in the next round As I write this on Tuesday after that big win on Monday night in Dallas, the Blues are either 3-1 or 2-2 as you read on Thursday or later. A lot has changed but one thing is for sure, the passion of the fans has not.

It is so cool to drive around town and see all of the banners hanging on buildings and in windows of businesses. That truly tell us what kind of sports town we are. If they win both in Dallas, then the Blues only have to win one at home.

I know right now my editor is getting ready to change my verbiage from we to the Blues, but please don’t. I always get in reprimanded for writing that “we” are winning or “we” are losing. That’s the way I think a lot of us feel. We are the Blues; we are the Cardinals. We hurt when we lose and rejoice when we win. We are part of the team, at least for the next few weeks with the Blues. So please forgive me, but when “we” win against the Dallas Stars and inch closer to that Stanley Cup, we can celebrate as a City in something that we have been waiting on for oh so long.


I ran into a long time reader the other night at an event and he said something that really struck a cord with me. I’m not sure if it was good or bad. I know as far as a columnist it is probably bad because I know that I am not a good writer. I just speak my mind at the moment.

The feedback I got was that it is like listening to the guy next door ramble about sports. It’s not always phrased the correct way but its conveyed in a way that two people just casually talk about sports. I guess that’s good. It might have been a polite way of saying, your not that good but I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

In a world of digital media and instant access to thousands of people with your thoughts. I feel honored that you have listened to me rant through the World Series’ and the Super Bowls and hopefully a Stanley Cup run. I am just that guy next door with three kids.

I used to be an athlete but now I love talking about Sports which is a way of life for so many people. They impact everything we do, everyday. It’s what keeps a lot us getting through day by day. We eat, live and breath sports in this town and I am proud to be part of it.

So when you read my column and analyze my sentence structures and speech go easy on me.. Just remember I’m the guy next door with an opinion.


Back to baseball, how about Alex Reyes punching a wall and breaking his hand. This is something that should not even be in the conversation. For everybody who plays sports, don’t punch or kick anything that can break a bone. Slam your glove down or something, actually just calm down and regroup.

That is what works best. Believe me, I have been a yeller and not so calm in my life but it gets you no where. I have learned that a cool calm approach to a problem with several deep breathes totally calms you down. Next time try it in any situation.

Think before you speak. Words cannot be taken back and don’t be afraid to say I’m sorry. That’s what makes you stand out. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions. Life is short.

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