Another Local Restaurant Coming to Florissant Soon

City of Florissant logoBy Carol Arnett

Fresh off the opening of popular chain Raising Cane’s, Florissant will soon have another new major restaurant. Crazy Bowls and Wraps plans to move into the property at 8180 N. Lindbergh, previously a Del Taco.

The Florissant City Council held a public hearing about the restaurant last week.

Helen Lee, the architect for the project, spoke to the council. “We want to change the requirement of 100% masonry,” she told the council. She showed images of other locations of the restaurant. They have white cement fiberboard, some grey brick, and wood. “The fee is fresh, simple boxes,” she said. She said they wanted to clad part of the building with white cement fiberboard. “What brick there is, we want to stain to a warm grey color and also add touches of wood to warm it up.”

Owner Keith Kitsis also spoke. He said the restaurant would be open from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday through Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sundays. “Sometimes, if business warrants it, we’ll stay open to 10,” he said. He added that there will be no liquor sales. The location will have a drive through.

“Thank you for thinking of Florissant,” said Councilman Keith Schildroth. He added that the company had taken suggestions made by the Planning and Zoning Commission, such as lightening the color of the brick stain.

Councilman Ben Parson asked Kitsis how many Crazy Bowls and Wraps he owned. “We have 15 in St. Louis. This will be 16,” he said. There are also some in Cincinnati. He said he liked the Florissant location “Lindbergh is so busy,” he said, “that if even a small amount of people passing stopped by, he would do well”

The restaurant will also have outdoor seating. There will be bollards to protect diners from cars. Kitsis said that he hoped to have the construction complete and the restaurant open within 90 days after city approval.

The council also held a reading on a bill approving the city’s budget for fiscal year 2018. They are scheduled to vote on the bill at the next meeting.

   During Council Announcements, Councilman Tim Lee spoke about a postcard that Mayor Tom Schneider had sent to residents of Lee’s ward. It was paid for by Friends of Mayor Schneider, the mayor’s re-election campaign. Lee said that several people had asked him to comment on the postcard.

“Disregarding the grammar and spelling errors, I was surprised that he bold-faced lied in this postcard,” Lee said. “And I wonder if he’ll send out another postcard correcting his lie.” In the postcard, Schneider solicited candidates to run for council. He mentioned the council salary.

He asked candidates to mail resumes to his home address. “I’m guessing that he wants to hand-pick someone that will do what he wants them to do,” Lee said.

“This is not the first time that Mayor Schneider has tried this childish and bullying intimidation tactic,” Lee said, adding that it is always after he has disagreed with the mayor.

“He said he was going to unsheathe the sword and go to war with me. Has said he wants to start a recall petition for me,” Lee said.

Lee then held up a $50 and passed it to Mayor Schneider. “After a recent meeting, he threw this down and suggested that I use it for an attitude adjustment,” Lee said.

“Shame on you, Mayor Schneider,” Lee said. “I will always have respect for the office of mayor. However, I will not always respect the person who holds the office.” During his time during the Council announcements, Schneider said that he had already talked to Council President Pagano about donating the money and it would be given to TEAM.


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