Florissant Council:

Raising Cane’s Getting Closer to Opening; New Details On Aldi Expansion

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council held a public hearing on plans for a new popular restaurant at Surry Plaza II and passed several bills at Monday’s meeting.

The public hearing was about the subdivision of Surry Plaza II for the property located at 2710 N. Hwy. 67. Raising Cane’s is moving into the area and they would like to divide the plaza property into two plats.

Debbie Stosz spoke on behalf of the project. “Right now it’s one lot,” Stosz said. “We would like to be two lots for the purpose of signs and taxes,” she said.

Councilman Ben Parsons asked if all the paperwork was complete. Stosz replied that it was. Councilman Tommy Siam noted that the council had passed a special use permit for Raising Cane’s several months ago. He asked if this would affect that permit. Stosz replied that it would not.

The council also had several bills on the agenda for second readings.

Aldi’s Store Expansion will take 3 Months

The first bill, which passed, will allow for an addition for the property located at 2505 N. Highway 67. This is the Aldi store on Lindbergh. The store is expanding. At a previous meeting, a representative from Aldi’s spoke to the council. He said that the 4,000 square foot addition will give the store a total of 19,500 square feet. He also said that once the project start, it should take about three months of construction. The store will remain open until about five to six weeks before the construction is finished. He said at the time that the store would like to have construction complete and the store open by Thanksgiving.

   In other action, the council:

Passed a bill re-adopting a procedure to disclose potential conflict of interest for certain officials.

Passed a bill establishing a trust agreement for the employee pension plan.

Passed a bill authorizing the mayor to enter into a license agreement with Meridian Waste for solid waste collection services for the residents of the city.

Passed a bill enabling the city to join Show Me Pace and stating the terms under which the city will conduct activities as a member of the district.

Passed a bill authorizing the appropriating of $36,000 for the painting the jail cell area.

Passed a resolution expressing the Florissant City Council’s support for efforts to repeal Missouri’s “right to work” law.

Mayor Tom Schneider spoke about the resolution regarding right to work:  “From the time of Teddy Roosevelt to Franklin Roosevelt, almost every president since has worked to secure a fair living for hardworking men and women of this county,” he said. “But now, we’re faced with a misguided mindset with a have and have-not mentality, removing the middle class to insignificance. Organized labor is one of the last sentries blocking this ill-advised social change. “

   The council passed the resolution unanimously.

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