Code Administrator McSheehy Retires After 44 Years with City of Hazelwood

Pat McSheehy honored by the City and Mayor Matthew Robinson.

After 44-year years of service to the City of Hazelwood, Pat McSheehy, the City’s Code Administrator, retired on June 1. Hazelwood Mayor Matthew Robinson presented him with a retirement proclamation at the last City Council meeting.

McSheehy successfully saw Hazelwood through many changes while serving as the City’s Building Inspector and Code Administrator because of his commitment to local residents’ safety, health and welfare. The City grew from 5.16 square miles to 16.47 square miles through annexation, and its population increased from 15,512 to over 26,000. In addition, his Code Enforcement Division grew from one full-time employee to 8 full-time employees and one part-time employee.

McSheehy started his employment with Hazelwood as a full-time employee in the Public Works Maintenance Division on May 25, 1973, just before his 18th birthday, he quickly worked his way up to Maintenance Worker (Oct. 1973), Maintenance Worker II (Sept. 1978), and Lead Maintenance Worker (June 1980).

His career in Life Safety began in Sept. 1982 when he became the City’s Building Inspector. McSheehy’s responsibilities included plan review, building permits, construction inspection, planning and zoning, and adoption of Building Codes. In July 1997, he was promoted to his current position as the Code Administrator.

To further his education, McSheehy attended night school at St. Louis Community College from 1982 to 1987.

He studied Building Inspection and Code Enforcement, making Dean’s List. He then attended Sterling College from 1994 to 1996 and earned a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, graduating summa cum laude.

One of McSheehy’s noteworthy accomplishments was making the City of Hazelwood the first municipality in St. Louis to partner with Information Technologies, Inc, to develop a code enforcement module that integrated with the City’s other public safety software applications to ensure code compliance and department productivity. His initiative enable the City to reduce bureaucracy, save taxpayer money, and become more “green-friendly” by creating a paperless office environment.

Working with Hazelwood’s law enforcement information specialist, McSheehy institutionalizes live technology with vehicle laptops so the field data were live in the City database, and installed printers in each code enforcement vehicles to print any computerized forms in the field.

McSheehy was one of three individuals, who received North County Inc.’s Public Service Award at its 40th Annual Leadership Breakfast held on May 19 at the Marriott St. Louis Airport Hotel. The award honors outstanding individuals, elected, appointed, or employed by a public body, whose long-time service had a positive impact on the community and/or public body they serve.

In retirement, McSheedy plans to enjoy time with his wife Carol, his three children and their families. In addition, McSheehy will continue his associated of 18 years with the Florissant United Soccer Club, hopes to coach his five granddaughters. His hobbies include avidly following the St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Blues and collecting sports memorabilia.

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