Archdiocese Suggests Other Area Schools For St. Angela Merici Students in Fall

Archbishop Carlson has approved the closure of St. Angela Merici School in Florissant due to decreasing school enrollment, low registration for the 2017-2018 school year, and the retirement of the current principal. Parish leadership submitted the closure request in order to be good stewards of parish resources.

School closures and combinations are part of a new vision for Catholic education in the North County area. The plan for implementing a partnership model school at St. Ferdinand, St. Norbert, and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne will continue as planned.

Students from St. Angela Merici School will be welcomed at these schools and other Catholic schools throughout the north county area. The archdiocese and the administration of both schools will take steps to cooperate and support school families, teachers, staff, and parishioners during this time of transition.

According to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, similar enrollment issues and staff turnover prompted the Archbishop Carlson to approve the closure of St. Louis the King School in the city of St. Louis. The closure plan for St. Louis the King School was submitted by the Catholic Education Office and recommended combining the school with Catholic elementary schools at St. Cecilia School, Most Holy Trinity School, and St. Louis Catholic Academy.

Over the last year, Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, Bishop Mark S. Rivituso, Superintendent of Catholic Education Dr. Kurt Nelson, and other archdiocesan leaders have assessed schools in the various deaneries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, especially in the City of St. Louis and in North County.

The implemented changes are, according to the Archdiocese, a vision for a rebirth and a renaissance of Catholic education. Archbishop Carlson presented in his plan in his pastoral letter on education, ‘Alive in Christ!’ Carlson’s plan involves addresses changes occurring in the schools, confronting the challenges presented by these changes, and offering new school choices for parents and families seeking Catholic education for their children.

As the renaissance of Catholic education moves forward, the Archdiocese of St. Louis remains committed to and focused on vibrancy and quality in Catholic education. According to the Archdiocese, “Our schools will remain committed to working together and including members of the St. Louis the King and St. Angela Merici school communities in the process.” The Archdiocese asks “for continued prayers and support as we continue to follow the model of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne in exploring and expanding the educational frontiers in our Catholic schools.”

For information please contact St Rose Philippine Duchesne Catholic School (314) 921-3023 or see their website:

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